Boodil My Dog
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Bull Terrier *
AKC Breed Video
Order #B-BLT101 VT $24.95
Bull Terrier Annual 1996 *
Available 9/96
Order #B-BLT151 $40.00
Bull Terrier-An Owner's Companion
Robin Salyn
1989 / UK
Order #B-BLT215 $39.95
Bull Terrier *
Champions 1952-1981
Champions 1982-1986
Order #B-BLT201 SC $36.95
Order #B-BLT202 SC $28.95
Bull Terrier Handbook
Mrs. D. H. Robbs
Reprint of 1927 ed. Deluxe quarter
leather bound. One copy only.
1990 / UK
Order #B-BLT902 $165.00
LE of 200 Copies
Order #B-BLT903 $95.00
Bull Terriers #
Martin Weil
Order #B-BLT301 $9.95
Bully For Me!!!-Along the Sunshine Bullyvard
Jack Mildenhall
Explains the significance of Hollyfir Kennels'
influence on the breed, with information col-
lected from 3 generations of experts as well
as the author's own experience. Assists fanciers
in their pursuit of breeding the near perfect bully.
1993 / UK
Order #B-BLT904 $39.95
Full Circle-A History of the Colored Bull Terrier
David O. Harris
296 pp. / 1990
Order #B-BLT905 $39.95
Garden of Abdul Gasazi
Chris Van Allsburg
Children's story of young Alan and Fritz's
(a feisty, unruly Bull Terrier) adventures
in the magical garden of Abdul Gasazi.
A Caldecott Honor Book.
illus. / 1979
Order #B-BLT906 $17.95
Book with companion audiocassette featuring
Jason Robards reading the story
Order #B-BLT907 $24.95
Grimmy-The Postman Always Screams Twice
Mike Peters
Meet Grimmy, the overweight, goggle-eyed
Bull Terrier with lots of attitude and an enor-
mous appetite for mischief.
Order #B-BLT908 SC $10.95
New Bull Terrier **
John H. Remer, Jr.
288 pp. / 200 photos & illus. HWL-1989
Order #B-BLT401 $27.95
Out-of-Print, In Stock
Colket Memorial Book of Bull Terriers
Jack & Barbara Waslyn
Order #B-BLT1001 $175.00
Order #B-BLT1002 $75.00
Order #B-BLT1003 $50.00
New Complete Bull Terrier, The
Ernest Eberhard
Order #B-BLT1004 $18.95